Living with a disability is not easy. Life does go on once you have sustained a disability, but in no way it stops the creativity inside to bloom to its full potential. The sharing of this experience is about inspiring and uniting each other. Infinite Ability is an attempt to provide an insight into the experience of living and coping with impairment. It is about exploring disability through creativity.

Infinite Ability is a special-interest-group within the Medical Humanities Group of UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi, India. It was created by Dr Satendra Singh on 5th June 2011. The main purpose of the group is the promotion and coordination among Medical Persons with Disabilities (MPwD) by utilizing Medical Humanitarian approaches to focus on four competency-based learning objectives:

 ·         Narrative Medicine/Graphic Medicine

·         Interpersonal and Communication Skills

·         Patient Care and

·         Professionalism

Who are PwD?

Article 1 of the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(PwD) define PwD as those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

Who are MPwD?

Medical Persons with Disabilities(MPwD) include medical students, medical faculties, paramedical staff, nursing and physiotherapist with disability.

What is Medical Humanities (MH)?

Some of the marvelous advances in patient care are made with the help of three things-the herb, the knife and kind words (Franklin). As per the Indore-based Neurologist Dr Apoorva Pauranik, "Humanities are not a foreign body for medicine. The term "Medical Science" is a bit of a misnomer. Medicine is basically a caring profession, an art, which also uses science judiciously, for benefit of patients."

Deobrah Kirklin defines Medical Humanities (MH) as "an interdisciplinary and an increasingly international endeavor that draws on the creative and intellectual strengths of diverse disciplines including literature, art, creative writing, drama, film, music, philosophy, ethical decision making, anthropology, and history in pursuit of medical educational goals."

Medical Humanities Group (MHG)

Conceived in 2008 and started on 1st April 2009, MHG is a part of Medical Education Unit of University College of Medical Sciences. It aims to develop this discipline and its practice amongst health care providers. 

Who can join Infinite Ability?

The group 'Infinite Ability' will primarily focus on MPwD. However we do not want to separate the disabled from the non-disabled as the disability can be temporary or permanent. So anybody with an interest in disability studies using medical humanities can join.

Membership is free. Please write your name, medical institution (if applicable), designation, whether MPwD or not; if yes then nature of disability, whether permanent or temporary, and percentage of disability.

To join the group, email:

Lets explore disability through creativity...!