Dr Mohamed Osman is a physician and artist. His place of origin is Eastern Africa and Northern America allowed him to practise not only medicine but recreate as well the energy of colors into contemporary African art . He is using paintings and poetry to explore Medical Humanities and paints on every subject including disability. The images are copyright protected and please take due permission if you wish to use. Here's his webpage.

This painting portrays the psychosocial impact of infertility in Africa. It mirrors an infertile sad and angry woman desperately wishing to be pregnant. Such unobtainable desires may elicit affective disorders such as anxiety neurosis and depression.

Does empathy plays a role in easing such psychological distress! Yes it does.

Mohamed Osman, M.D


"I ignored the seriousness of diabetes

I thought I am young and invincible.

I was wrong.

I realized that Diabetes has no mercy for anyone.

I have lost the most precious  gift of nature, my vision.

I am unable to see

I regret that I did not follow my doctor's plan of care." Dr M.Osman

Complications of Diabetes 


Female Genital Mutilation  (FGM) is a cultural practice that started in Africa~2000 years ago. It is practised by Muslims and non-Muslims alike in few Sub-Saharan African countries.

 The word pain originates from the Latin "poena" meaning a penalty or fine. "Why should an innocent girl be penalized with genital cutting  that causes lingering pain through her adulthood?" 

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